My 94 Civic Ex Coupe Red Turbo. Also question.


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Very nice car and welcome to the site. Umm you said stock B16 but that looks like a D16z6. Dont worry if your new to stickshift its really not hard at all. I hope your not grinding any gears though since your running a turbo therefor making it harder for a beginner to learn. The easiest swap i would say is a B16 or B18 and turbo that but i dont think you can use the same intercooler piping and what not since its a different series engine.


Frame Bangin
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car looks good but...
1) Thats a d16y8 unless its a y7 with a vtec valve cover. atleast im pretty sure about that. its definately a d series though and not a d15 since their valve covers are different
2) keeping d series will be the only way you can keep that turbo kit due to the exhaust manifold. a b series will require a new one of them and a new ecu and tune
3)your oilstick should be towards the front of the car, driver side. but it may have been cut since the turbo may of not cleared
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car looks good but...
1) Thats a d16y8 unless its a y7 with a vtec valve cover. atleast im pretty sure about that. its definately a d series though and not a d15 since their valve covers are different
2) keeping d series will be the only way you can keep that turbo kit due to the exhaust manifold. a b series will require a new one of them and a new ecu and tune
3)your oilstick should be towards the front of the car, driver side. but it may have been cut since the turbo may of not cleared
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im pretty sure its a D16z6


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Welcome to the site!

You could do any B-series swap, you'll just have to change the manifold and retune..


Frame Bangin
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good catch, i didnt even see that. mine is where the BOV is lol i know some people have to trim it to get the clearance. idk how i didnt see that


Never let the engine temp rise to Hot because engine damage may occur.

Check the coolant level in both the radiator and reservoir. Are you losing coolant? Any visible coolant leaks? Does the exhaust manifold possibly touch the radiator? Have you tried bleeding the cooling system? Is there white smoke in the exhaust?


Frame Bangin
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very true. well you got the point atleast

RonJ, your just awesome and always on top of your s**t lol


Frame Bangin
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i think what he meant was that what was referred to as the BOV is the wastegate


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No problem man its the truth anybody with trouble shooting problems hit up RONJ sig before even asking you will usally find the answer.


Frame Bangin
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i hope he did, if your working no a car like that, you better know or your destined for failure


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I was kind of thinking the same thing op needs to do alot of research and learn as much as possible about his car. dd a boosted car while learning how to drive a stick could set him up for some problems with the car at some point.
