My car was sideswiped last night


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I parked my 2013 Honda Civic on the side of a busy street in Chinatown in Portland, OR to hang out with friends when I came back to my car to go home at around 3:30 am to see my car had been horribly sideswiped on the passenger side. It was very dark out and couldn't tell the extent of the damages so I drove it home thinking nothing of it.

About 3 miles from home the car started bouncing up and down and shaking pretty badly so I pulled over and took a look; I couldn't tell what was wrong so I just drove home slowly. When I got it in a suitable spot I used my cellphone light to asses the damages and it was worse than I had imagined. I called my insurance company; USAA, and filed a claim. Their going to get an adjuster assigned to me and get my car into an auto body shop. My deductible is 500.00

My question is, do you think the car is totaled and if so, will I be compensated for the entirety of the damages. I understand that driving it back home was a horrible mistake and the severity of the passenger rear wheel was my fault.



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Why on earth did you drive it home? You should've called the police and filed a report the second you saw it. And why why WHY did you KEEP driving even after the car started shaking horribly? Not trying to sound like a d**k, but did you really not notice you had no tire when you stopped to look?

I assume driving it and making it worse will effect your claim... I don't know jack about insurance claims though.


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Doesn't look like its totaled from what I can tell. Definitely would have been much better if you called the police right when you found it like that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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you drove home thinking nothing of? but yet you knew it was horribly sideswiped. how f***ing dark was it out to thiunk nothing of it. um, where you drunk man? and after the car started boncing you just decided to drive slower? wtf. you're crazy dude. hope your insurance takes care of that - its not totaled, just needs a bumpers, fenders, and doors. yes you will be compisated for the damages if you had full coverage insurance, but those are question your insurance agent can answer better.


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gonna take more than that to total a 2013 hommie
