Originally posted by civickidd99
that looks nice as hell, I wasn't ever a real fan of the amber markers myself! Did you ever post a how-to on it?
Ya I have posted the how to in a couple of other posts...here ya go so you dont have to look for it..
Here is how you do the clear corners trick.....
1. Remove the headlights from the car and the little rubber pieces on the back of the lights
2. Put one headlight at a time in the oven at 200 degrees for like 10 mins or so..Long enough to heat up the OEM calking so that you can pull the headlights apart
3. Gently unclip the clips around the head lights and pull apart...Emphasize on GENTLY...This will take a little muscle though
4. Take out the amber reflector by unclipping it, cover it with Chrome 3mm Tape.
5. Put the reflector back in its place with the 3mm tape over it, then put the headlight back in the oven for 10 mins at 200 degrees to reheat up the calking so you can reuse some of it.
6. After you have reheated it, press the headlights together and then get some clear calking and recalk the headlight. ( you dont have to recalk the headlights but I would so you wont get moisture in your lights which will cause fogging)
7. Put the headlights back in your car with hyper white bulbs and enjoy the great new look of your headlights.
Hope this helps..