My EJ6


Grindin' Gears
5+ Year Member

Me and a friends DA at a local parking garage bored...

Current - I need to get updated pics though
All pics are from a camera phone so they aren't the best quality...
These pictures aren't the most current but I just wanted to post my ride up here.

And the old... R.I.P.


Genuine Rolla

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not bad bro...looks like you know where you want to go with it. the only thing is that I think the wheels would look better if the centers are polished.


Built, not bought.
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5+ Year Member
Looks good.. Engine shots?? Plans for the engine and the car??


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Not feelin the wheels with the black centers. It makes the lip look HUGE, but not in a good way.


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i like the first pic. but i don't like those rims either.


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+1 on the rims, I think they look BETTER when they are small like that.


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Nice hatch, not a fan of wheels though. Lets hear some future goals!


Grindin' Gears
5+ Year Member
Well this car I've still not decided what I want to do motor wise, the silver hatch was a b16 car and it was quick for just a i/h/e car and was fun to drive around. This one I've been thinking a couple things but nothing really has stuck with me yet.

The wheels either you hate them or you love them. I think they look fine, and only one other person has the black ones in my area, everyone else has the polished and gold/bronze ones.

I've been thinking of going SOHC turbo but I don't know if I want to put a kit together or just buy one (no not SSAutocrap or TurboXS), but I'm undecided, that and I need a new oil pan because mine is dented to all hell thanks to a tow hitch laying in the road.

And the car does have a couple new things done to it now, just haven't had time to clean it up nicely and take some pictures.

Thanks for all the comments!
