ok, first off im gonna say i read through the stickies and have built a turbo kit from scratch before for my lancer. the following list is what i will be buying to turbo my si, im kinda new to honda's and i really want your opinions on the things im picking out. im not looking to make insane power, and im not looking to spend a life savings here, BUT what i am looking for is a semi-reliable kit that my stock engine can handle til 2008 when i have a job w/ the government and can afford a rebuild. my si has 53,000 miles and wasnt abused, and i plan to put about 20,000 more miles on at around 7psi before i rebuild. so here is the list, lemme know if im missing anything, or if you think a better part/choice is available.
jcwhitney custom turbo piping---------------------75 shipped
JRC stg 4 or 5 fmic-------------------------------170 shipped
- P28 ECU---------------------------------------/-130 shipped-------------BOUGHT$50
- UBERDATA--------------------------------------/-FREE--------------------BOUGHT$FREE
- moates.net chip burner------------------------/-85 shipped--------------BOUGHT$94
- OBD2B-OBD1 Conversion Harness-----------------/-80 shipped--------------BOUGHT$76
- moates.net uber chip kit----------------------/-23 shipped--------------BOUGHT$24
- datalogging usb cable-------------------------/-30 shipped--------------BOUGHT$31
- DSM 450cc injectors---------------------------/-50 shipped
- OBD1 Injector Clips---------------------------/-15 shipped
- Resistor Box----------------------------------/-5 shipped
new copper si gaskets-----------------------------40 shipped
dual pilar guage pod------------------------------30 shipped
dual guage cluster pod----------------------------35 shipped--------------BOUGHT$34
tunertoys.com oil line kit------------------------80 shipped
geddy egt, autometer boost guage------------------170 shipped
walbro 255lph hp fuel pump------------------------100 shipped
tap kit for oil pan-------------------------------12
20w50 dino oil------------------------------------17
misc. vac and fuel lines--------------------------10
ebay spal slim fan--------------------------------55 shipped
ngk plugs gapped to .030--------------------------12
innovate xd-1/lc-1 wbo2 kit-----------------------400 shipped-------------BOUGHT$372.98
turbonetics T3/T04e-b turbo-----------------------580 shipped
tial 38mm wg--------------------------------------175.99 shipped
greddy rs bov-------------------------------------110 shipped
marclb@telus.net full race knockoff mani----------250 shipped
ebay xs hks style dp------------------------------130 shipped
total cost SO FAR: $2,769.98, i say so far cause u know that number is never right.
cost to go: $2,006
if you dont like something, u dont have to tear me a new a-hole, just tell me what u think is better for about the same price, thanks in advance.
i wasnt sure if this was the forum to post this, but if it aint, sorry mods.
jcwhitney custom turbo piping---------------------75 shipped
JRC stg 4 or 5 fmic-------------------------------170 shipped
- P28 ECU---------------------------------------/-130 shipped-------------BOUGHT$50
- UBERDATA--------------------------------------/-FREE--------------------BOUGHT$FREE
- moates.net chip burner------------------------/-85 shipped--------------BOUGHT$94
- OBD2B-OBD1 Conversion Harness-----------------/-80 shipped--------------BOUGHT$76
- moates.net uber chip kit----------------------/-23 shipped--------------BOUGHT$24
- datalogging usb cable-------------------------/-30 shipped--------------BOUGHT$31
- DSM 450cc injectors---------------------------/-50 shipped
- OBD1 Injector Clips---------------------------/-15 shipped
- Resistor Box----------------------------------/-5 shipped
new copper si gaskets-----------------------------40 shipped
dual pilar guage pod------------------------------30 shipped
dual guage cluster pod----------------------------35 shipped--------------BOUGHT$34
tunertoys.com oil line kit------------------------80 shipped
geddy egt, autometer boost guage------------------170 shipped
walbro 255lph hp fuel pump------------------------100 shipped
tap kit for oil pan-------------------------------12
20w50 dino oil------------------------------------17
misc. vac and fuel lines--------------------------10
ebay spal slim fan--------------------------------55 shipped
ngk plugs gapped to .030--------------------------12
innovate xd-1/lc-1 wbo2 kit-----------------------400 shipped-------------BOUGHT$372.98
turbonetics T3/T04e-b turbo-----------------------580 shipped
tial 38mm wg--------------------------------------175.99 shipped
greddy rs bov-------------------------------------110 shipped
marclb@telus.net full race knockoff mani----------250 shipped
ebay xs hks style dp------------------------------130 shipped
total cost SO FAR: $2,769.98, i say so far cause u know that number is never right.
cost to go: $2,006
if you dont like something, u dont have to tear me a new a-hole, just tell me what u think is better for about the same price, thanks in advance.
i wasnt sure if this was the forum to post this, but if it aint, sorry mods.