My lug nut adventure!


New Member
Okay so, couple of weeks ago I needed to get new tires, so I took it to Wal-Mart cause I know a mechanic there. I go in for my appointment and leave my car there, in the mean time, I walk around for about an hour and come back to see that my car is still parked outside, I ask the mechanic why and he told me that I needed a key for my lug nuts, So i was somewhat confused seeing as my old car had locking nuts but one lug nut had a key hole thing in it.. and these just looked pretty normal but slightly rounded. Seeing as I t got this car with the rims on it already, I never had a need to take the wheels off. These lug nuts did not strike my attention seeing as they didn't look like security lug nuts. Luckily my mechanic said he has lug nuts that look like mine on his jeep, he brought the key out of his car and viola... it worked.

Now, with the new tires on, I needed a key for my self just in case I get a flat or want to finally lower it lol.
First place I went to was Autozone because among the receipts that came with the car I found one that had lugs on it. Upon my arrival I tell someone there my dilemma and immediately they look at me like im retarded and say, "they are security lug nuts for a reason, each set it completely unique." I said, "so how come my mechanics rims have the same key for their lug nuts?" his response was "impossible, you can look forever and you will never find it". So i went to the lug nut section and found the exact same set and told him that they are the same, but he said, buy them then, but I guarantee you they aren't the same. I wasn't gonna blow $40 on a whole new set just for the key so I let him have his temporary victory.


2nd Autozone store, told the nice lady my problem and how I know that not every key for this set is unique, she was nice enough to open the package and told me that I could try the key on to see if it fits...Guess what, it did. Unfortunately she couldn't just sell me the key or lower the price of the set but as she told me that, a guy came up behind me and told me that you can buy them at Rent-A-Wheel two stores down. I get there and the Angelic being in Autozone was right, $20 later, I had the key and left with some useful info about where to find them online.

So if you ever come across this problem and don't have the time to look online because it's an emergency and you have no idea what size the nuts are,
go to- Rent-A-Wheel
Or if you have time and know what you are looking for-
or good 'ole eBay.

Thought someone might benefit from this info if you are as lost as I was. =)


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do you have aftermarket lugnuts on OEM wheels then? The pitch of the seat is probably not the same.


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So 20$ for just the key or 40 for the key, and a whole spare set of lugs....

I think you got ripped off and shouldve gotten the full set b


New Member
Well not really seeing as I couldn't afford the set and the tires at the time. and no the rims are not OEM. I also just realized that I got rid of the part of the story which tells you I replaced the rear two tires first and then the front two 2 days later (after i found the key). I had to replace them quick cause I had to drive to Tampa the day after I got the whole set on there which is a goo 2 hours at 80mph on tires that were down to the radial belt on some parts, the best tire had 1.2mm of tread left.


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Thats funny... I use to work at a autoparts warehouse, gorilla had two keys for their lugs. Yea, they're not really for security, more of an inconvenience. Anyone can get them off, all you gotta do is hammer a socket on.
