Hey all.
Just bought a used dd today. 1998 lx auto 161xxx miles.
Anyway, I'm running into this frustrating issue. I supposed due to, age and frequent opening and stretchin,g the floor harness on the driver side decided to crapped out. 1 window work (rear pass side), power lock work. But that's it. Driver switch to control windows and side mirror adjustment does not.
Here is the carnage. I already print out the harness pin out.
But, I can't seem to find a replacement plug online anywhere. What are my option at this moment?
As you can see, its pretty f@cked. Soldering will be my next move. But I can't seem to de-pin the damn wires. If I can find that plug with pig tail, I will be golden. Easier to solder rather then repinning.
Any advice?
Just bought a used dd today. 1998 lx auto 161xxx miles.
Anyway, I'm running into this frustrating issue. I supposed due to, age and frequent opening and stretchin,g the floor harness on the driver side decided to crapped out. 1 window work (rear pass side), power lock work. But that's it. Driver switch to control windows and side mirror adjustment does not.
Here is the carnage. I already print out the harness pin out.
But, I can't seem to find a replacement plug online anywhere. What are my option at this moment?
As you can see, its pretty f@cked. Soldering will be my next move. But I can't seem to de-pin the damn wires. If I can find that plug with pig tail, I will be golden. Easier to solder rather then repinning.
Any advice?