well i figured i would share with you all the process of my other car that i have had since i was 16 .it was stolen about a year ago stripped of everything and dumped and i got it back and have been fixing the damage.......i have taken off all the front and back in preparation of painting it....i have been practicing on my trunk lid and i have become quite good at it......so i figured since i was working on her all day replacing a steering column that they peeled back to steal it i would snap some pics......i am painting it the same color and all and keeping it stock since it holds some sentimenal value since it was given to me by my grandparents as my 1st car and since they are dying i always want something so i can remember them by and couldn't bring myself to sell it....so please keep any negative commnets about it being a olds on a honda site away please i just wanted to show what i have done