My Own Working Truck! Yeah Baby


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5+ Year Member
its the new baby added to the family.its a chevy custom deluxe 20 and it has 87k on the second onwer and im very proud of it cause its in a great azz condition do to the year of to those that dont know what i do,i am a fence insatller.i install fences at houses,job sites,ect...ive been working in the fence business for about 3 years.but this is the first time that i start working on my own.well guys all comments are very welcome.enjoy...



New Member
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5+ Year Member
Pretty clean for what it is. I despise chain link though and astonished that people still install that stuff (especially in front of the home). Makes the property look like a penetentary. I would love to find a beater pickup like this (not that it's not in good shape) just something to put to work like you're doing.


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5+ Year Member
SIRIUS said:
Pretty clean for what it is. I despise chain link though and astonished that people still install that stuff (especially in front of the home). Makes the property look like a penetentary. I would love to find a beater pickup like this (not that it's not in good shape) just something to put to work like you're doing.
lol= chain link...well its that i was installing 2300 ft worth of chainlink for a job site that are going to start building offices..personally i dont like the way chainlink looks but wood,pvc,or iron pickett are very expensive now in days.thats why people rather go the c/l way.personally i insatlled a wood fenced for my house on the side and back but the front i installed ornament fence.but hey theres black,white and green c/l that look hott in front of the houses..thanks for the comment.


High Speed
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5+ Year Member
Looks clean for being that old. congrats


Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
RedLine42 said:
Looks clean for being that old. congrats going to ugrade acouple of things later on like suspension,paint and motor.for now it doesnt need nothing but oil and gas.its going to be my working truck but i want to looks as nice and clean like the way i install fences.the best feeling in the world is to go to someone house or jobsite and tell you,"your truck is real nice and clean" that right there does my day because customer tells me that your truck represents the way you work or live.that i truely believe is true..people tell me why i waste time cleaning and making it look nice and i answer to them,just because its a working truck that doesnt mean i have to be a filthy dirty person and stack it with good as i work i also want the truck to look good too..
