Ne One Know Thier Turbo Shiz?


Tin Foil Member
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I cam across this on ebay. It says it has "V Band". WTF is V Band? is it just a bunch of B.S.? Thanks


also... I know the trim effects where the turbo starts spoolin. I want to use a t3 and it comes in a 48 and a 60 trim. I want the turbo to spool fairly early (i guess they are stock at 8lbs? im on stock internals) but i also want some what of top end power. This is a dd and is occasionaly drag raced. Im just after having a fun car to drive. What one should i go with?


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v-band is how the down pipe connects to the turbo... for a civic you would probly want a flange. V-bands can get petty pricey just for the clamp.


Tin Foil Member
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Stickin it to the Man
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.63 trim on a t3 will give you more top end but will also spool later than a .48, but its a t3 so it will still spool fairly quickly


Tin Foil Member
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just as a rough guestimate...what do you think each one would spool at rpm-wise? For what i want out of my car (stated above) it sounds like the .48 would be better?


Stickin it to the Man
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ive never driven in a t3 but guestimating i say it will be fully spooled by 3000- 3500 :what:


Spoolin single cam!
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v-band is how the down pipe connects to the turbo... for a civic you would probly want a flange. V-bands can get petty pricey just for the clamp.
i only paid $45 shipped from a retailer for 2 v-bands and a clamp, not bad at all if you ask me. and it makes removing the DP a snap :thumbs up


Tin Foil Member
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where did you get them from and how does it worK? does the DP have to be a v-band type? or how does it work?


Spoolin single cam!
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where did you get them from and how does it worK? does the DP have to be a v-band type? or how does it work?
i actually bought mine from a Mustang performance site, but you can find them all over ebay for that exact price

you need to weld a flange on both your DP and on the turbo flange as well if the turbo isnt v-band already. my turbo is just a 5-bolt outlet, but i took the 5 bolt flange and welded the v-band to it for easier disconnects.

here's a pic



Formally Green 91
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read the book named "Maximum Boost"
