need advice fast!


New Member
alright im chillin at school bored and wondering a few things about my car. Anyways i got in a wreck last week and i need a hood, headlight, radiator, hood arms(that raise and lower it), a core support, and a new driver side fender. Pull apart near by has some 98's and 96's and i was just double checking to see if they will fit???

with that being said my core support is bent by the hood latch and the bar that is by the AC condensor and radiator is bent. My stepdad said he was just going to bend it all back in place and i was jw if the core support has anything to do with the frame of the car?

ALSO lol i painted my valve cover and one of the screws/bolts that are on the bottom part i lost..could i pick one up at autozone or anyplace like that? same with the battery tie, lost a bolt for that too:???:


battery tie down

I bought my 00 civic and the girl who I bought it off of lost the battery tie down as well (j hooks) You can get a kit with j hooks, a harness, and cushions from autozone for 2.99 or 4.40 if you have a taller battery like me :P I bought a powdercoated nokya crossbeam from ebay for like $5-10 to replace the rubber one in the kit. it looks pretty clean. send me a pm if you wnt some pics. hope this helped

you can get a new headlight for like 30 bucks or something like that from (?) or off of ebay...OEM replacement.

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5+ Year Member
Pretty much any body part for a 96-98 civic are interchangeable.

I wouldn't worry too much about the front core (where the radiator bolts too) its all thin sheet metal. If it was a vital part of the car, then that part woulda been alot stronger from the factory.....

And the valve bolts, id just look on ebay for them. Or try majestichonda there really good for OEM parts!


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The radiater support could be bent back into place with a frame straighting machine i wouldnt advise to guess with it being back where its supposed to. I had to replace one on my 5.0 when i wrecked it and its a pain in the ass, but its worth it. If you just bend it back it will be pretty weak so if you wreck it again it will just crush back even easier and cause more damage.


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The one of my 5.0 was srtong tough metal never replaced one on a civic, but i would take the extra time to just do it if i where you.
