Need advice.


I Tap JdmPrncss
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I'm on the prowl for a new car & after going to a dealership today and getting my ass handed to me because they wanted a 4K down payment on an RSX (f**k"EM) i decided to go on Craigslist.

Well i found one for 2,500 but talked him down to 2,000 and i go tow it to my mechanic. is it worth the 2g's?

I just don't wanna tow it and find out I'll spend 2k more fixing it. Even if i have to buy a new engine i don't think it should be that much compared with what goddies it's coming with.

btw how much would it ccost to tow 34.0 miles? estimate (Im awaiting my quote from a friend but i want to get a basic estimate here)


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Rent a uhaul trailer for 55$ towing will be well over 100

And a gsr motor will cost 1500+

IMO i would tell him "2k and you bring the car to me"


I Tap JdmPrncss
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Does it need an entirely new engine? (I know it will depend on ALOT of things when i go see it) he said he spun the bearings

Can't i drop another motor in there? B16 (noob Q)


I Tap JdmPrncss
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Bump need more advice.


No Fun
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If it spun a bearing you could get another Block and slap it under there. i say get a b20 or a b18b/a and slap the gsr head on it. you will need a ls/vtec kit 300~ honda timing belt and water pump 200~ block 150-200 then get a set of rings/bearings/gasket kit 250~ and hone the block 50~ or get it machined 200-300~... But then you will have a brand new B series with power... The only other you could do at that point is have the head checked by a head shop usually 50 bucks.

OR you could just get another gsr block for about 400-500 and slap it in if it has good rings and such... Just really depends on your comfort zone. Most towing places start at about 75.00 for 5-10 miles and like 15 a mile after that, some crazy ass prices...

i hope that helps


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Id probably say pass on it or if you are comfratable with all the possible routes id say he bring it to you.


I Tap JdmPrncss
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Hmm thanks guys, i think I'll pass on it. or at least just give him some room to see if anyone buys it or not then try to low ball him to 1500. THEN I'll feel better about having to buy another GSR engine.

Hmm till i get my car this is going to be my "Holy crap, help NYG find a car" thread :lol:

I'm tryna get a civic again cause 1. i f**king love them & 2. It'll persuade me to be on here a hell of a lot more.=]
