Need Cluster Help 91 civic.


New Member
Hello, i own a 91 honda civic it runs great however just yesterday when i had it smoged it faild because the check engine light does not work. Seemed simple to me but the bulb is good and i dont want to buy another cluster to find out that the old one was good or it was a wiring problem. Aparently Honda has stoped making clusters for this car so i would have to pay 125.00 for a used one. Any advice would be great. Thanks

Wax Hands

Smell my finger
Registered VIP
Check light socket for corrosion or poor contact. Replace bulb if needed. Back probe the connector at the cluster during the start up cycle to ensure its getting power. If its not check the harness and eventually back probe the ECU during startup.

If all checks you replace your cluster.


Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
i have a cluster i'll ship you for fifty bucks if you need it not new but like you said you cant get new anymore


New Member
I will try that thanks.. If it comes to it i might take you up on that cluster... ill get back to yall.


New Member
So i fixed the problem it was actually the Wire going to the ECU it was cut for some reason. No Clue why but it was. spliced a new piece of wire and ran it streight to the cluster connecter n its working perfectly. Thanks for your help..
