NEED HELP on ITR rear seats


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I just got this ITR rear seat on my EG, but there gap between the seat (picture shown below). I'm wondering what you guys put in between it or what you guys do, so that big gap wont show. PIcs of how you guys done it would help a lot. THANKS



Theres not really an easy way to eliminate the gap completely, or at least that I have seen or heard of yet. An option to making it not as noticable is to have a black cloth or canvas fabric or whatever you feel like actually, and have it wrap from under the bottom seat part around to the back of the backrest part. How you attach the fabric is completely up to you. Now it wont exactly look super clean from the back in the trunk area, but who really is gonna be looking at that area anyways unless you dont have a rear cargo cover. The main thing is that the gap will be dark and not noticable as much from the front view. I know its probably not the kind of solution your were looking for but its an option :D But I would also like to hear if anyone else has solved this problem by actually closing the gap itself.


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:what: I dunno'

Maybe get some black automotive carpet and cover up that bare white pain then bolt the seat back in.


La Raza #2
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i always taught that there would be not gap if you put ITR rear seats into a EG...


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ppl get gaps when they install GSR seats into EG. ITR should be the same, the only way they dont have gap or you seen it w/out gap, suppose that they modified it.


yup, I currently have GSR rear seats in mine and I still have that slight gap. When it really bugs me I just completely strip out my interior :D


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dude if u want to be crafty and make it look cleannnnnnnnn, sew up a circular shaped piece of seat (seat foam and black cloth with red stitching) and put it inthat spot to make it look factory , maybe even sew it onto the itr seat thatd be hot


captin sleep0
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umm i think that the 4 door rear seats do not leave a gap but i would not put money on that fact.

EG Hatch

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buzzbombtom said:
umm i think that the 4 door rear seats do not leave a gap but i would not put money on that fact.
you are 100% right actually. i currently have gsr seats in my car but it has a big gap too. my cousin has gsr leather seats in her car and she has no problem with the gap. it is because you take the bottom half from a 4 door and the top have from a 2 door. and it looks perfect. if only i could show you a picture i would.


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its true... i actually had the coupe itr top and sedan itr bottom in my car for about 5 minutes once... i wnet down to a shop and wanted to see if it was true... and it is... fits perfect and looks wicked too...

but as for the gap you can't do much about the gaps on the sides of the bottom piece but the gap inbetween the top and bottom... well all you have to do is bend the metal pieces that hold the bottom in such a way that it allows it to move back about an inch... then stick a bit of foam or something under the seat to make it rise about an inch... it will kinda rise from the front to the back... its very little and you won't even notice it... not even when sitting in the seats....

i did that with my cloth seats and it worked perfect...

heres a pic.



LikWidchz - Void Warranty
5+ Year Member
That gap isnt that big, you might want to try getting some black carpet and attaching it to the rear of the seats,filling in the gap. I suppose I'll know more when i get mine in the mail from ebay.

or simply paint the metal underneath black ?... thats more of a southern engineered fix.


Needs More Snail
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LikWidChz said:
or simply paint the metal underneath black ?... thats more of a southern engineered fix.

:word: thats what i was going to say, then you wont have anything sticking out in the back and i mean, who cares if u put cloth over it or not, just try and match the color so you cant really tell from inside the car but those seats are sweet....or you could just strip it like mine :clap:

EG Hatch

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i have the same problem with my gsr seats i have. the gap is bigger than you think. it is annoying and as soon as i have more money im swapping for itr interior with the sedan bottom. and the recaro red fronts. trust me on this one. ive done my fair share of reasearch.


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hi,i was just wondering,if somone coud post more pictures of itr rear seats in civic eg,thank you:cool:
