need help on my 93 civic sedan...


New Member
So I'm installing extended lug studs on my civic and apperantly the right rear drum hub won't slide off like the left rear hub...any tricks?or do I just take it to a shop for them to deal with it...I don't have photos...I'm posting this from my phone...will update with photos today I hope...

Avant Uprising

Registered VIP
take a hammer to it if not there is a cog gear on the backside(oval shaped access hole usually sealed by a rubber grommet) that will have to be adjusted to release the pressure against the shoe


New Member
i already took off the drum...its just the hub dumbass took off the lug studs hopping it would slide off like the other side...its like the bearing got stuck with the hub...i get you you telling me to loosen up the taking off the handbreak and stuff...
