need help with o2 sensor ??


New Member
got a 91 civic hatch was swapped when i got it its throwin the fuel supply code and o2 sensor theres a o2 sensor in the intake mani but the wires are cut and theres no plug for me to buy a new 1 and plug it in is there any way to wire 1 up its obd0 my car gets bad gas millage n u can smell its runnin rich plz help im new to this site so could u just email me n let me no cuz not sure how to come back n read messages or ne thing email is


Sick 6/6
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got a 91 civic hatch was swapped when i got it its throwin the fuel supply code and o2 sensor theres a o2 sensor in the intake mani but the wires are cut and theres no plug for me to buy a new 1 and plug it in is there any way to wire 1 up its obd0 my car gets bad gas millage n u can smell its runnin rich plz help im new to this site so could u just email me n let me no cuz not sure how to come back n read messages or ne thing email is
what swap is in it?
do you mean O2 sensor in the exhaust mani?
try fixing the fuel supply CEL first, then buy and wire a new O2 sensor...


New Member
its the b18a1 and ya i didnt mean to say intake mani the o2 sensor thats in the exhaust mani is the 1 that had cut wire some else told me that the o2 not bein hooked up is wats causein the fuel code to b on cuz it has something to do with the air fuel ratio


Sick 6/6
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what ecu do you have? and which wiring harness is in the car if you happen to know...
