Need help with power window conversion!


5+ Year Member
Hey guys i have a 94 civic SI and need some help with the power windows just bought a whole set up including regulators, both harness, black door panels, switches, and tweeters! now my question, is there a diy thread where i can see how to do it? any help would be appreciated thanks!


Chillin' Canadian Member
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5+ Year Member
Don't SIs come with all power options? :roll:


5+ Year Member
yea its power everything except windows (yea kinda s2pid) had two SI's and both doesnt have power window! soo i want to convert the one i have right now cuz i plan on workin on it! so any help with the conversion would help!


New Member
5+ Year Member
i wanna do the same conversion, how much did you pick up the kit for?

im assuming door panels come off, take out the window, take out the regulator, put the power regulators in, put the window back in, run the harness through the door into the cabin, and then put on your new door panels with switches


names Brenton
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
Don't SIs come with all power options? :roll:
weird how the difference between Si and EX are power windows/locks and the tweeters in the door. (Interior wise)

I've been working on a slight conversion on mine. Going to put lock actuators in one day for the locks. Going to keep the windows manual though they don't bother me. Already did a retrofit on the EX/Si door panels for the tweeters and lock switch :thumbs up


New Member
5+ Year Member
weird how the difference between Si and EX are power windows/locks and the tweeters in the door. (Interior wise)

I've been working on a slight conversion on mine. Going to put lock actuators in one day for the locks. Going to keep the windows manual though they don't bother me. Already did a retrofit on the EX/Si door panels for the tweeters and lock switch :thumbs up
pictures BRO!!!!!! pictures!!!!!
