NEED some help


New Member
i have a 96 honda civic, 5 spd. this past tuesday, i was getting ready to leave from a stop sign, and the car just died on me. i thought i had let the clutch out too fast, but it wasn't any different from any other time i stalled it the same way, so i tried to start it up again, nothing. i tried again, and nothing. so i had pushed it back to the parking lot, and tried it again, nothing. the engine just turned over, but no start. so the next day i pulled it back to my house, and tried it again, nothing. i figured since i had it in the garage, i'd change the timing belt, water pump, plugs, oil change...and still nothing. so i searched on here for a way to check for spark, found it, and had no spark, so i took the ignition coil out, turns out it was not good, so i bought a new one, put it back in and now the car will not even turn over! just click, click, click....i checked the main relay, and it clicks like it should, the fuel pump primes, all the lights work, the battery is good, all the fuses are good. i dont have any CEL's, or anything. my guage cluster lights flash on an off, along with the parking lights for i dont know how long then it stops. i'm getting a clicking noise from under the dash while the lights are blinking. i have no clue what can be wrong. i have searched so please dont tell me to search anymore. its my daily driver, and i need to get it started today. thanks guys.


New Member
Sounds like you killed the battery from cranking it so much. Check if you have spark with the new coil. If you have spark, just push start your car since its a manual. And dont pop start it in 1st. Use 2nd or 3rd gear as it will put less stress on the engine.


New Member
dug a little deeper and seen that the previous owner had a car alarm installed, which i didnt know. so i unhooked the box, now the lights arent flashing and the clicking under the dash is gone. the car just doesnt do anything now. the main relay clicks twice, the fuel pump primes, everything works, radio, wipers, lights, etc. just doesnt do anything, like the batery is dead, but the battery is fine. i checked all the grounds, just stumped. no CEL either.
