If doing this by yourself it's a bit tricky, a little secret I was shown is ope. The door just enough so you can see latch then grab a trolly Jack, square piece of wood and a decent amount of rags thenplace wood on Jack and rags on that and Jack up under door to take the weight. Then crack off the door hinge bolts behind the guard( you may need to remove guard or just inner plastic) then Jack the Jack up slowly until door clears the "d**k" hinge inside door or untill it matches factory lines of the car then tighten the hinges again let Jack down slowly and check door alignment. If it's right but hits the "d**k" then open door and loosen the 2 bolts and re align so it's in the centre of the door clamp and retighten then it should open and close with ease.
Good luck. Sorry for any spelling mistakes I'm on a I phone and not real good at touchscreen yet.