Need to degrease engine

Tre Jones

New Member
I have oil everywhere so I need to degrease my whole engine bay and then try to see where the oil is leaking from. What things do I need to cover? I will be coating everything with degreaser then watering it all down. If I just let everything dry for a day or 2 do I need to cover anything? Thanks


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Some people are really picky about washing their bay and they cover up everything, some people just say the heck with it and wash everything. Realistically its better to cover up all exposed wiring (connecters, etc that dont have the plastic cooregation to protect it). Just dont get any into your engine/intake/etc. I like to rinse and then dry it all off with compressed air. If you decide to dry it this way be careful not to damage anything with the compressed air. Hope this helps, its just my opinion.


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I cover up the fuse box, battery, intake, and all exposed electrical components. Like the alternator and distributor. Good luck and post up some pics!


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I just use carb cleaner, and hand wipe everything else. Works wonderfully, and it's much easier to control than degreaser and water IMO.


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I just use carb cleaner, and hand wipe everything else. Works wonderfully, and it's much easier to control than degreaser and water IMO.
If its really bad it takes forever to hand clean stuff. Especially if it in hard to reach places.


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If its really bad it takes forever to hand clean stuff. Especially if it in hard to reach places.
Have you ever used carb cleaner...? It's God. It's got a straw like compressed air cans do, so you can get into hard to reach places, or remove it for larger areas.

When I replaced the head on my old CRX, it was caked of oil and coolant. Sprayed it on and watched the grime roll down instantly. Got high as hell of it then too; I know better now. :oops:


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Ya I have used carb cleaner, just prefer engine degreaser but whatever...both are fine. But ya its easy to get high using all those me bad headaches sometimes.:|
