new and needs help


New Member
hey you guys, i bought a 93 civic ex coupe, and i dont know what the hell is wrong with it. ive read around on this forums and others and ive come to the conclusion that its in limp mode. i have a d16 block on a d15 head. could some one please help me get it out of limp mode because i have no idea what im doing with hondas.


New Member
lol ppl dont answer much on here or at least not for me lol.... but my bf has put his car in limp mode a few times, lol but all he does is turn it off for a few unplug battery and re connect and its fine... but if its in limp mode it wont let you go over a certain rpm.. on his car its 5k


New Member
it wont let me go over 3k, ive tried taking the battery off and lol idk its weird
