new civic si


New Member
hey everyone im new to the site. just wanted to share with everybody that i got a new ride. its an 08 civic si. i baught it used with 40000 miles on her and shes beautiful. not as good looking as my mr2 but hey, what can you do. i ended getting a really good deal. i only paid 12000 for it. not to bad. anyways just wanted to introduce myself


Ms. NYKnick
Hey! Congratulations to you on that deal! I'm new to forum and my reason for joining was because I fell in love with the si! I almost bought an '07 Si few days ago from Carmax despite everyone telling me it was too expensive..
Anyway, this si was a 2007, 77k something miles, had navigation, drove great. There were a few things that needed touch-ups..(panel where seatbelt is attached to, an alignment, removal of a bad tint). Point is, it was priced at 15 grand.. After taxes, jumped up to $17..after interest, jumped up to $23... Payments were gonna be like $321-350.. For that, i get a brand new '13 Si (which is the plan and i should have in two months, more or less).

Sry for rambling =$

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