New from Nashville


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End of December 2011 I purchased my first Civic. It's a Black 95 EX Coupe with a 5speed.

Im gunna need some help from you guys as I go through the car and find things wrong.

So far since getting it Ive had to replace the alternator and battery bc the old alt. was overcharging the battery, causing it to swell, and have me inhale sulfar fumes. :evil: I've been told my front main seal and oil pan are leaking. In addition to that i know i need a window regulator for the drivers door.



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Few things to consider....

If you're going to be doing the front main seal, you may want to consider the timing belt/water pump if that hasn't been done yet. I would also recommend the cam seal since it'll be right there as well.

Also, if you're going the oil pan gasket, I would also recommend looking into a rear main seal. I'm fairly certian the oil pan has to come off in order to get to it. You're going to have to pull your transmission/clutch/flywheel so if that's something that you're not comfortable doing, you probably shouldn't do it. But from the sounds of it, you sound mechanically inclined and it's not hard to tackle ;).


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NO NO NO NO NO NO MORE REAR MAIN SEALS. I refuse to take out another transmission. Before this car I had a 93 eclipse. i had to do the rear main seal in that and it was not fun. i think i may just continue to keep an eye on leaks and add oil as needed.


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Knucklehead h8r
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:welcome: enjoy your stay! nashville huh........would that be nashville Tn?


Slow But Not Low
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welcome to the site...hope you like your stay.


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I'd like to get to know some other civic ppl from the nashville area to get some pointers. and possibly parts =) Need a new muffler.
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Knucklehead h8r
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yes nashville tn.
Cool deal. Im just north of you in clarksville. So umm first things first..............WASH that thing!:shock: :lol: and just so im the first to break it to ya easy, get you some different wheels. Then update us with some pics!=)


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welcome and not a bad start im actually south of you in the smyrna/murfreesboro area. the problems you have found are not hard but i completely understand about the whole refusing to drop a tranny thing lol... Got any plans?


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that was the only side pic i had last night and wanted something up there. i actually washed it friday. lol and i know i need rims but on a tight ass bidget. put them on cl seeing if anyone wants to trade.... no takers.

why do my hi beams not work but low does?


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So the tranny they had to put in three days after i put the downpayment on it, pretty much gave out. Mechanic didnt know wtf he was doing apparently. But they have a diff guy putting a new one in and i trust this guy more... hopefully it all works out well. Hopefully getting a muffler in mt juliet tomorrow night. woot.


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hey welcome to the site. Hmm kinda weird how u didnt want to drop the tranny to do the rear main seal and now this happens to the tranny. Well theres ur excuse to do it now.


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This past Friday/Saturday my brother and I ripped the old trans and clutch kit out and put new ones in. Rear Main Seal looked good and i was broke and $50 in debt to my brother already I just said screw it. Now I need a whole new exhaust pretty much... perfect. I'm taking it to Indiana to Holiday World this Sunday. Fixing the biggest whole in exhaust for now, which is the one just before the muffler.
