New Headlights, New lip, New look! (new engine shots too!)


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5+ Year Member
Well i got my CTR Style lights all fixed up and took a few new shots. The lights took a little while to do, but i <3 the outcome of them. Let me know what you think!!

Here they are, no photoshop touches, just resized.

Feedback on both pics/car welcome!


Shorts and Sandals FTW!
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Looks sick! What kind of bulbs are you using?


New Member
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5+ Year Member
nice man. got luv for the h22 coupe. when u gonna get the shoes back on?


No Avatar FTW.
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Car looks clean...but garage shots ftl :thumbdown bay looks great tho :thumbup:

Oh, and either paint that front lip or get a c/f one asap!


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5+ Year Member
Jezek said:
Car looks clean...but garage shots ftl :thumbdown bay looks great tho :thumbup:

Oh, and either paint that front lip or get a c/f one asap!
Yea i was gettin ready to leave, and i was bored waiting for my car to warm up, so i grabbed a few pics.

The bulbs are Luminics Krypton H4's, Ultra White, k20a2 sells them for $40 shipped, 2 yr warranty.

I <3 them so much im going to retrofit a set into my fogs when i get them!


The Walking Punchline ;-)
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5+ Year Member
looks awsome. how does it feel to have you're car back on the road?


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5+ Year Member
have u ever had any problems with yor motor swap? and if u have ever ridden in a type R powered civic does the h22 out perform? let me know o and by the way nice asss civic


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5+ Year Member
nurevEKcivic00 said:
have u ever had any problems with yor motor swap? and if u have ever ridden in a type R powered civic does the h22 out perform? let me know o and by the way nice asss civic
I have a buddy that has an Si with an ITR head on it, even with my full interior, and subs, my car still put lengths on his (about 7-8 lengths by the end of 4th from a 40mph roll) and he was power shiftin lol.

Only problems with the swap were axles. Hasport solved that.

Its nice having it back, but its still one big project. If its not one thing its another, next i need to replace inner/outer tie rods. Cant wait to get that done and get an alignment. I also have some fender liners to put in, and i gotta re-paint those hubcaps.

As for Cf lip, or painting the one i have...
I'll pass
My car is daily driven, and im not going to put a $300 cf lip on it just for it to get cracked the first time my car scrapes, same with paint. I dont wanna pay $100 to get the front lip prepped/painted just so the paint can get scraped off everyday when i pull into my driveway lol.

To put it simple, theres a good reason why its still black.


Who Dat
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Your tripod in the second pic looks like a big ass scratch:lol:

Nice car man. I <3 unpainted lips. and I'm loving the non-CTR OEM grill on your car. Engine shots look good too man:thumbs up


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5+ Year Member
spook4thecia said:
Your tripod in the second pic looks like a big ass scratch:lol:

Nice car man. I <3 unpainted lips. and I'm loving the non-CTR OEM grill on your car. Engine shots look good too man:thumbs up

I <3 my OEM grille, AND unpainted lip('s)


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5+ Year Member
PhntmSk8r said:
As for Cf lip, or painting the one i have...
I'll pass
My car is daily driven, and im not going to put a $300 cf lip on it just for it to get cracked the first time my car scrapes, same with paint. I dont wanna pay $100 to get the front lip prepped/painted just so the paint can get scraped off everyday when i pull into my driveway lol.

To put it simple, theres a good reason why its still black.


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5+ Year Member
daboyu978 said:
u could of got the combo with the front and back lips for like 100

just need to have my exhaust re-positioned down/out a little before i install the rear :twisted:


im gay n proud luv my car
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5+ Year Member
looking nice, but i think I liked your car better before the crash/accident


New Member
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5+ Year Member
looks real gooD!! i would've upgrrade to a Si grill b4 the paint job..but good job man!! I love the H22.... thinking about that setup myself...


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5+ Year Member
Partizan said:
looking nice, but i think I liked your car better before the crash/accident
why? it looks the same, except everything actually FITS right. I dont have a cheap ass VIS CF Knockoff, tons of stuff is so much better now.

SI grilles are for losers :P

besides, i tried that, nobody in colorado had one and i would of had to wait 2-3 weeks to get one, so i said f**k that... and i <3 my oem grille!
