welcome brother!
i come from the same bloodline of the nissan sx, z family.
so i know how much slower it is now from driving those bad ass rides!
i was on my way to a fairlady z build until s**t got in the way..
ive been thru 2 89' crx's, and now im on my 2nd honda civic
and i gotta say iv fallen in love with the honda game..
i hope you enjoy your stay here,
being as we have the exact same car ill stay posted on this
thread for sure. except mine is stick
from what i see, youve got some major potential
on your new whip! enjoy it and KEEP IT CLEAN lol
- drop that biznatch
- auto to manual swap (its easier than it sounds)
- good taste in rims..?
will you be going na or forced induction?