New to ClubCivic


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What's up everyone!! I'm new to Club Civic. My names Harvey! I was active on Club Integra for a while. I just recently bought a 94 Hatch. I love it. It's got the D15, with the D16 VTEC head (VTEC isn't hooked up still running on a P06 ECU) WOMP WOMP! I know I'll eventually get it all hooked up or I'll go Type R or GSR swap. I don't know what she's got in store but I love my Hatch. I'm not quite sure how to post pictures yet but as soon as I get it all figured out I'll post up some. Also I had a small question I was poking around at my ECU and I saw a blue plug hanging there has a brown wire and a black wire into a blue plug. It's not connected to anything. Any clues to what it might go to?


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Lol, probably the CEL jumper. Do you have a teg? And yes pics of said hatch would be nice.

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R.I.P Stephen Jackson
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Yes, use photobucket. Go now...


New Member
Just incase you don't know those are the blades of these wind turbines they have out here in PA. They have different sizes of them and this is the small one that that blade is 126 feet long....I can drive under them lol
