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Hey guys new to the forum. Had my ex coupe for about a year now. Haven't done a thing to it since I got it running besides change the oil and get rid of the gay halo headlights for stock ones. Gonna start dumpin some money into her soon though. Here she is. Still has the gay halo's don't have any current pictures yet.

Motor is a JDM ZC. Lowered on Tein drop coils. Exhaust is 2.5 header back to a forza muffler. Way too loud for me honestly. Obviously Si wheels I had powder coated white. Body is rust free but has some pretty good dents and liar scratched into the rear drivers quarter from previous owner. Plans are to swap the tranny out cause the one in there grinds into 3rd and 4th pretty badly. (already have trans) Got a dc sport 4-1 header to install. New pads and rotors all around. Put a quieter muffler on it. Prob gonna put a normal muffler instead of fart can. And after I do all this mechanical work I'm having the body fixed and repainted factory color. Just trying to make a clean daily driver that looks half decent and enjoy running around. Let me know what you guys think.


RHD is where its at
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Not bad! Has potential!


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5+ Year Member
Looks good hate to kno wat previous owner had done lol and welcome to CC


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Nice car! I like the rims for sure. Can't wait to see her all done up.


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5+ Year Member
Your paint looks amazing! Well compared to mine. Old faded teal haha, I'd love to get it resprayed. I'll be looking forward to seeing a fellow teal EJ get modded up tho, keep us posted :D


New Member
I got it running besides change the oil and get rid of the gay halo headlights for stock ones. Gonna start dumpin some money into her soon though


New Member
Thanks everybody. Those pictures make it look better than it is. There's the liar scratched into the drivers rear quarter. Passenger rear quarter has some considerable dent in it. The hood is a mess. And the paint is faded pretty good. You can really see where its faded where there used to be a sunroof visor and where there used to be pinstripes running down the car.


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Registered VIP
welcome to the site i hope you enjoy your stay and im really liking the car will be even better after some paint man.


New Member
Well painting the honda is getting put off for a little while longer now. Buying a quad today so funds wont be there for it.


New Member
Thanks reedman.
Well it was gonna be a 2006 suzuki z400. But the dude decided he wanted to keep it now. So back to painting the honda!


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it's a good starting point and if you want a muffler that is universal, good quality and isn't a fart can, chaeck out a vibrant street power. It sounds good and looks good. Love mine.
