New to the honda and forum thing. Suggestions please.


New Member
I bought a '90 base model hatchback. I am mechanically inclined and plan on learning as much as i can on my own. I am an avid toyota enthusiast. Thought this forum could help me figure out a few questions i cant answer myself. Before i ask, i want to explain my "plan" if you will. All i want out of this car is for it to be fun to drive and not necessarily fast but quick. Yes quick is a broad description but ive seen a couple hondas dig on basically stock mustangs. Thats the outcome im looking for. Now i know my civic currently will not come close. Its the 1.5l with a 4 speed. Its slow as dog s**t turnin white. Im kinda figuring the 4 speed has got to go in order for me to achieve what i want to. But IDK. I ask what motor/tranny combo would suit my idea best. Best bang for your buck suggestions and outright expensive suggestions would be appreciated. Reliability is very important mind you. Not a combo that will run its ass off for a month. Oh and no turboed suggestions i like traction.


Fujiwara's Tofu Shop
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Drop in a b16 or boost a dz6/y8 and call it a day. A boosted single cam isn't gonna make u eat tires, it's a cheap way to achieve around 180-200 hp though. Remember the triangle though. Cheap, reliable, fast. You only get 2, choose wisely.


New Member
good point on the triangle. how much would a b16 cost if it needed rebuilt and how much is one worth running. also, in what years/models could i find one


RHD is where its at
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Get a 1st gen b16a. They can be found cheap and have decent power.
