new to the tuner world


New Member
Ok so im new to the tuner world and just bought a 1991honda civic hatchback with a v-tech motor. I know alittle about them but not much as far as perfomance upgrades and all. I know mechanics pretty well as I am also an american muscle kind of guy as well. I just rebuilt an 88 camaro from the ground up so I need some help on the import side of things. Any help or suggestions would be great..


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First welcome, second just post what you need help with man I'm sure one of us can help you


New Member
Soon. I just bought the car last week so I still have to get pics up. But as soon as I can get them up I will.


New Member
barret- would you happen to know the stock specs for the v-tech.. that would be pretty usefull.
FAITH- i plan on doin the research. what i really need is things like resources and places i can order good quality parts..
i have always used SUMMIT RACING and JEGS and EDLEBROCK. I just want to know what sites are good as well


New Member
Registered VIP is good, so is

what do you mean stock specs for vtec?

also a side note, v-tech makes childrens toys and/or phones, vtec is honda lol


New Member
lol very good point that v-tech also make toys and phones. but thanks for the info on that.. um what i mean by specs i mean like stock horse power and torque.


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Registered VIP
up at the top of the screen.. there is a button marked "Civic Specs" click it and select your model year and then look at what model you have. its all in a nifty spreadsheet


Registered VIP
Do you even know what engine you have?

Researching parts is not hard, just look at other people's builds and build threads and go from there.
