Noob here..


New Member
Just picked up a 2000 civic a couple weeks ago and since I've never owned one I was looking for a little direction and came across this forum.

Here it is when I bought it 2 weeks ago after lowering it..

Here it is now..


condoms prevent minivans
looks good. not a fan on the headlights but hey. its your car and your taste. whats your plans?


New Member
I have some more stuff ordered that hasn't come in yet.. And I love the lights during the day.. Not so much at night.. lol


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Work blocks the pics :(. But yeah what are your plans for it?

Jay Jay

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Welcome to the site. I'm not a fan of the lights either but it's your car. Yeah, the must be horrible at night haha.


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I agree with the others on the headlights. Any issues with cops? Plans for fogs?


New Member
Cops here don't care about stuff like that as long as you aren't out messing up.. Fogs are ordered along with a new bumper cover, hood, mirrors, and fenders.. While that stuff is gettjng painted I'm gonna paint the factory skirts along with it.


out on bail
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Sounds like you've got some good plans for it.
I agree with everyone else about the lights but if you like it that's all that matters.

Welcome to the site! :D


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welcome to the site
If you have any questions or problems feel free to pm me.
Any plans for the motor?


RHD is where its at
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Clean lookin car!

Looks mean with the lights like that!


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Yeah I've never seen those headlights before. I think it would be much cleaner w/o the window visors tho. You got a lot done already good job


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Wth? I was stating my opinion, not telling him what to do


New Member
Motorwise.. I'm going with a B18C.. Or a k20... Buddy of mine just burnt a clutch up in an 03 RSX and instead of fixing it his mom (just won the lottery here.. go figure) bought him a new truck and he'll sell the whole thing for 3k.. I also plan on painting it.. Too many folks have already copied me with the blacked out theme so time to change it up. I guess working in a body shop has its perks.. lol


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if the clutch is the only thing wrong with it and hes selling the whole car for 3k buy it replace the clutch and you got a running rsx for 3k.


New Member
Not really.. It was hit in the quarter panel and has a ton of hail damage.. My thought was to buy it for the engine and 6 speed and part the rest out (body kit and interior and such) and recoup some money.. BUT I already have the B18 so that's my dilemma.. lol
