an inlaw has a 2002 nissan altima. i'm pretty sure it's the 2.5. about 4 months ago she took it into the shop to have the oil changed and a headlight bulb replacedi. afterwards the car wouldn't start and she told me they did something to the fuel pump and it started fine. well recently (within the past week) we've had some rain and the area she lives in got flooded. water came into the garage and around her car. it didn't get high enough to get in the car and she thinks it didn't get but about 1' high. since then the car wont start. it'll act like it's going to start but doesn't. even when give alittle gas it wont start. i havent heard it in person yet but, i'm going over there tomorrow to see what i can figure out. figured i'll check the fuel pump fuse and such. i should be able to hear the fuel pump prime when i turn the key to the on position right? at first i thought maybe something electrical got wet or even soaked and maybe it just needed to dry but, it's been 3 sunny, rain free days and the car still won't start. is it possible the water got higher than she thought and went into the exhaust from the muffler? if so would that cause it not to start? i've been doing alittle thinking and wondering what the problem could be. figure i'd post it up and see if anyone else could give me any insight. any info is appreciated. thank you.