Not quite a new member...


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5+ Year Member
But I need help. I didn't see an "off-topic" forum to post this in, so I figured I'd do it here. I am posting here because I want a variety of forums apart from all the sports forums I already posted this survey in. So please, if I could get some replies, that would be great....

7 questions, should take 2-3 minutes to complete. I am doing a research paper on online forums roles in society, like if they are important tools or not, and how people use them. I created this version of the survey with the assumption that everyone who responds is an active member of this forum (or others). If you are not, please don't fill it out.

Thank you.


New Member
Registered VIP
I did it, but I swear if you are getting money out of this I want 10%!

Let us know how the paper goes.


New Member
5+ Year Member
Thanks for the help JeffBel and whoever else may have done it. To my surprise between this website and a few others, nearly 100 people responded! That's a much larger sample size than I expected.

Writing my paper now, can't wait for this to be over!
