NX N-tercooler


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do any of you have any experience with one of these things? i was thinkin about gettin one, cause its cheap HP...i was just wondering if they are as cool as NX makes them look. just let me know what you think about 'em. thanks


CC's Public Enemy #1
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seems kinda iffy too me, might be cool but I don't really know, thats the n20 that sprays into your intercooler right?


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yep...im sure it works...but i just dont know how well.


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thats what i will probly end up doin. but im not gonna buy it till spring, no use in buyin it now, if i wont be able to use it in the winter cause of all the snow/ice.

but still...if anyone knows anything about these things, let me know. i dont want to waste $ if they are no good.


OG スバリスト
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hmmm... sounds interested but i'm not quite sure... i wonder by how many degrees it drops the temperature by. . . since i know an intercooler drops it quite a bit


Jack Load
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I think the NX thing have hooks up to the FMIC is for a nitrous line and it sparys nitrous staright into your FMIC and into your motor. I am sure thats what its used for =)


OG スバリスト
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i'm not sure if it's into or onto. . . but if it's into... wouldn't that go straight into your intake mani?


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For supercharged or turbo applications where nitrous is not an option, NX offers another alternative, the “N-tercooler”. Using either nitrous or CO2 this unit can reduce air inlet temperatures dramatically. In a recent dyno test, a turbocharged Honda, equipped with an NX “N-tercooler ”, increased its baseline by an astounding 52 horsepower! If it makes horsepower, it must be Nitrous Express!

thats what the NX website says.

but its an oval bar that hooks to the front of ur intercooler, then when you arm it. it automatically shoots the co2 into ur intercooler when you are at full throttle, so the air is a lot colder going into your engine, and you gain HP. i just dont know how well it works.


OG スバリスト
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so the question still remains.... INTO the intercooler or ONTO the intercooler


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it sprays nos throw the fins of the intercooler and makes it colder and droping the boost temp the colder the better then you dont need as much boost to make power


OG スバリスト
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ok, so the nos goes INSIDE the fmic?


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yea...you mount this oval thing to the front of your intercooler, then it sprays nitrous or co2 into your intercooler, which lowers the temp of the air going into your motor...thus creating more hp, the thinkg looks pretty cool, im gettin it in the spring and ill tell you how it works.

Bangin' HB

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it does not go into the engine. it it sprayed to go through the fins to cool the charge. think of it like a regular air-air intercooler, but using really cold air to pass through the ic. almost like the evo that spays water onto the fins of the ic to cool the charge, same concept. do you get it anf?
