do you even know what RON means?!? do you know how the octane number on your pump is calculated?? let me give you a little lesson here. in the us, the PON (pump octane number) is the average of two values, the RON (research octane number) and MON (motor octane number). here in Chile (and most of the rest of the world, minus the US cuz they are too stubborn to adhere to a REAL standard... who the hell uses miles and yards and pounds any more?!) the octane advertised at the pump is the RON.
and u know what? i'm not dirtyd16, so f**k you. maybe you should move to a REAL country, and experience culture and vehicles that never make it to usdm-land. you're only closing yourself off by not even attempting to respect other nations, cultures, and their products. f**king xenophobe.
oh, i was forgetting... STFU N00B!!!