OEM Bumper Damage


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Hi all

I looking for advice on how to repair my 2000 ex coupes front bumper. Courtsey of a lady who illegally stopped in the middle of the road and my going alittle to close under the assumption she was capable of driving on public roads , I know have a small fist sized hole in my bumper. Since my whole car is stock and I would like keep it so , which is the best way to go for the long haul

(1) Bite the bullet and take it to a shop and get a new bumper and have them paint it ( How much would I be looking at roughly ? )

(2) Buy an OEM ( or possibly a real one ) and have it painted and mount it myself.

Thoughts ?

Thanks people


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oem bumper is about $100-150, painting is $50-200 depending on the shop.

find a used one from someone a used bumper runs you about $50-100 and get it painted.


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Thanks , I assume if I do my homework ( search ) on here I could find instructions on taking it off ?


OG スバリスト
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yes, removing the bumper is very simple. i believe there are 16 clips holding it on.

Rick James

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there are like 8 clips on the top and 2 bolts underneath the car along with two screws and a screw in each wheel well


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Hi Guys what do you recommend ? as far as a new OEM bumper ? try and score one on ebay or just hit the dealer. Doesn't seem like were talking a huge amount of money here so perhaps the dealer is the way to go for fit & finish ?


OG スバリスト
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have you thought about charging the lady for the bumper?


The East Coast Kid
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nah, really unless she told a cop it was her fault he's f**ked. damn rear endd laws. i got f**ked the same way in my mom car back in H.S. and i know the hole he's talking about too, from the exhaust to the other person, its painful. id go with finding a used OEM bumper and getting that done, would be the cheapest, if its like what happened to me its an actual hole it cant be fixed.


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Its funny ( we'll its really not ) but her husband got out and admited that it was probablly her fault. I had a witness behind who saw it happened and would have testified. Yes I had more than enough evidence and probably should have called the police but I supspect that (A) She would have been cited at fault and made to pay (B) I would probably also been cited for following to closely , which would have pushed up my insurance rates to a point that the cost would offset any I get from her. On the otherhand taking her to court ( a third party witness goes along way ) would probably have kept her from doing it again and in some small way make the roads safer .


Dirty South Side
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Youre right, if it ups the insurance its not even close to worth it. Either live with the hole or go to a junkyard and find a bumper the same color as yours. You said its stock so I assume the paint job is too. Be very carefully when you pull it off the clips though, or youll end up driving to Honda anyway and buying some overpriced pieces of plastic.


the white hatch
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Junkyard is your best bet i would say, you could get it for hella cheap there


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i believe the law states that whatever the situation may be, if you hit someone from behine, its automatically your fault for following too closley and not giving yourself enough stopping space. thats just how it goes, no matter what the situation. more or less, she could say she say something in the street that startled her and made her stop. and yer insurance would prolly go up either way, so just buy a oem bumper and get it painted -=D


OG スバリスト
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i believe nellorific is right, and, knowing insurance companies, they'll just hike up the insurance rates for BOTH parties
