oil in the intercooler pipe


New Member
I have a b16, 99 civic that just got turbo about 3 weeks ago. The full set up is new to include the turbo but the other day i had to load it up on a trailer cause i was moving and had to remove the pipe that goes from the turbo to the intercooler and notice there was oil in it. I have also noticed that sometimes i will blow a little of smoke out the exhaust pipe and it smells like fresh oil. Can somebody help me and tell me why is this happening when is a brand new set up.( by the way is not an ebay turbo is a precision).


New Member
Are you running a catch can, if not I would look into using one


worst case scenario would be your turbo is on its way out, my friend who had a built supra blew his turbo and ended up draining 4 litres of oil from his intercooler

got traction

i rock the sohc
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the oil in the charge pipe is due to the turbo seals leaking.


RHD is where its at
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Did u set up ur oil lines for ur inlet and drain correctly?

Like traction said its ur seals... this is not a good thing


Gina my Lady in red
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looks like the turbo is going bad. it also can be your valve stem seal. take off down pipe where it connect the turbo (exhaust side) to see if theres any leak

charlie brown

Registered VIP
Just fixed this situation on my 00 si. Precision 6262 journal bearing. Ensure the drains are -10 at least. My turbo did the exact same thing 7 month old bearings. I cannot stress enough the absolute importance of proper feed and drain size. Paid 300 for a turbo rebuild. I thought the turbo was good so I went and looked at it torn apart. Not so much. The exhaust side was fine, the intake bearing was cooked. All this on a turbo with so little shaft play the rebuilder thought it was good until I explained the symptoms to him. Rebuild of the turbo sir.


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Did you buy the turbo brand new off a site or from a person?


New Member
i bought it straight from presicion and not to sound stupid but what do you mean by an oil restrictor


5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
i bought it straight from presicion and not to sound stupid but what do you mean by an oil restrictor
It’s more than likely your seal. I'm using a -3an feed line with a 0.65" oil restrictor. You may or may not need one. They are not the end all problem solver and can destroy your bearings/seal if the correct size is not used. Can you post info on the turbo and the size of your feed/return lines, photos on how it's ran and if you know your oil pressure.

Also, on a basic set-up, having a catch can is good, but not 100% necessary and in this case, it will not help fix your problem. Always good practice to do some research first before following anyone's advice.


New Member
I will take some pics tomorrow but is a sc34 presicion turbo, as far as the size of the feed line i dont really know cause that i got from somebody and failed to check what size it was but if there is someway of telling I can appreciated. then unfortunatley the feed line goes through the manifold and around the head. as far as the pressure while is at idle is around 18 to 22 and when is ran hard or even normal driving is between 55 to 70.
