Oil line help

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5+ Year Member
Hey what's up guys, Im new to the site. First off, I drive a 00' EX coupe. I just have an i/h/e and a zex stg 2 cam right now. Next to me, I have a TB25 (T25) turbo, JohnnyRaceCar IC, DSM 450cc injectors, and a DSM BOV. I've finally decided to boost :D but I have a problem. I can't find an oil feed/return for the turbo. Here's some pics of the feed and return. Tell me what you guys think. Where can I get an oil kit? Should I make my own? What sizes do I need?...etc. Let me add that I've never boosted a car before so you may need to go into detail but I'll finally understand it. I don't really know jack about oil lines other than how to hook them up and where they go. I don't know anything about the sizes and everything. The oil lines are the hardest part of the build so far. I can't find one. Everything else is just related to money. Anyway, nough' blabbering....can you guys help me out? Thanks a lot...

Here's everything I have right now...has nothing to do with the question but thought you guys might wanna see?

Jay Jay

Staff member
please dont double post

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