Opinions on eg jdm cluster


New Member
hi everyone i have a 93 civic coupe ex, now i have just the stock ex cluster in my car and i put a 3m adhesive carbon fiber look faceplate on the cluster. i really liked that and still do but i have someone who is wanting to trade me his jdm cluster straight across because he hates the kilometers instead of miles per hour. i know these go for at least a bill on ebay or even here. im still in between whether i should trade him or not.. suggestions as to what i should do plz...

heres what i have now in my car

heres a image i found on ebay of the exact cluster he has but no cracks or scratches


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No need for 3 threads on the same thing. Give people time and someone will respond.


New Member
Should only be two so sorry if I made 3 my phone was messing up. And the first one I posted I didn't think should be there after I posted. Please delete the unnecessary threads. Sorry mod


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When it comes to things like this it is all in what you like. If you really like it then do it. It is ok to stand out from the crowd just do it safely.


New Member
alright thanks, i think i will get the cluster. i can always print a adhesive vinyl sticker to the cluster so the inside of km/h read mph and have the chart.
