over heating and white smoke comeing for the turbo


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5+ Year Member
hi i juss had a motor recenlty build and now it overheating but it goes up and down ..but over heats allot and the resovor overfills...and another thing is i juss purchased a new turbo and at first it was leaking oil from the exhaust it still kinda does but when t ideal a large amount of white smoke comes from it...can some one help me


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You obviously have a coolant leak SOMEWHERE (resulting to your white smoke and overheating)......but it sounds as if your "built" motor was half-ass assembled. Who did the work for you?


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You have definetly have a major blown headgasket. I hope they didn't reuse the head bolts. Stop using the car to minimize damage. But, good luck though.


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5+ Year Member
yea i used stock head bults and they do good work allot of my friends get there motor build from them..so you think its the head gasket..and do u think anythin is wrong with the turbo sence it leaked a little oil out and white smoke on ideal??
