P28 ECU from a Del so?!! How do i chip it??


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Well i just received a p28 from a del so (was stated) but i never seen a p28 like this! It seem like it is NOT chipable..here is some picture so everyone can tell me what to do or is it a p28 or not....<br>

Luscious Luke

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Correct me if I am wrong, but I dont think P28's came from Del Sol's. Regardless, that doesnt appear to be a P28, and if it is, I sure dont see where you would solder (sp) the removable chip socket in. Might wanna get one already done from Hondata. Lemme know how it works out.


Felony Racing LLC
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thata looks like OBD2 ECU, you will need to get another ECU.


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I thought it wasn't a p28...i got sh*tted!


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thats a OBD2 P28 from a del sol, they do exist not all p28s are all OBD1.


Formally Green 91
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all hondas go to OBD2 96 and up

pre 91: OBD0( best)


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Ok i got myself a 93 civic ex auto P28 ECU....now is this better=) ? Anyway i need to converted to 5 speed and get it chip.
