I have problem with my ACT clutch,who use ACT's clutch in the club?
Hy Kihun,I have a little discnoise when I starte in first gear sometimes,its normaly?Kihun_Cha said:here act stage 5
Yes the same like you PUREEK,only on take off and untill my foot is all the way off the clutch, thank you guys,Kihun have the same problem,but if this is normally,no problem, Thank You guys for your coments.pureek9 said:yeah mine is only on take off. dont last long but off the line it will make it now and then untill my foot is all the way off the clutch. But i dont think its a big deal if so many act clutch drivers have this noise. But ya never know!
Yes BOBO only in first gear in the take off.Bobo_686 said:is hte noise only in 1st gear?