photo repair question


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So last night a tree in our yard got blown up by lightning and cuaght fire...when the fire department showed up my yougest son (5) put on his fire cheif costume from last year and came outside..the fireman thought that was cool and actually let him hold the hose with him to put out the fire for a minute, my wife took a crapy picture with here phone and only got one (i was out front) so i was wondering if the glare from the reflectors on thier jackets can be removed or not..



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Do you have a larger version of it? It probably won't be perfect but it could probably be improved.


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I can also email the original photo if you want PM me and address


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Sorry man but that's way too blurry to salvage, there's just not enough detail in the image to work with.


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No problem, that is what i figured..even a matte painter would not be able to fix it really cause the lack of detail. I do appreciate you taking a look at it.. just wish the wife said something, i am sure they would have let him do it again real quick...But again thanks.


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Thats awesome!

I agree, the picture is super blurry. You could sharpen the image but it would only look more grainy.

I woudve loved to have seen the look on the firemen's faces though.


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No problem, that is what i figured..even a matte painter would not be able to fix it really cause the lack of detail. I do appreciate you taking a look at it.. just wish the wife said something, i am sure they would have let him do it again real quick...But again thanks.
Just burn something else down so they'll have to come back. ;)


Stock As All Hell
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The photo is poor quality but what really matters is you were there for it. +1 to your son for wanting to help.


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Just burn something else down so they'll have to come back. ;)
HMMM..... LOL they dont really need the house next door....kidding.

yeah it was cool, i was out front but my son came in the house and was like "IM AWSOME" so that is something he will never forget. Again thanks for the effort.
