Pictures of my accident


This happened a few weeks back. I had just left my house and mas driving down the street and as I'm pulling up to a red light some jack-hole pulls out of a supermarket parking lot totally ignoring the STOP sign and rams into my passenger side.:angryred: Got all his info, said he didn't see me :2confused(he drives a Ford Ranger). Anyway, I get home and about an hour later he calls me and asks me if I can lie about the accident and say it was his girlfriend driving the truck cause his licensce will go up in points and his insurance will go up, blah blah blah....:kickass:
I just said no way, told him I had already filled out the Police report and he could go F*** himself.:no:
Got the car fixed already, insurance paid for it ($2200)
Plus I'm getting money from the accident, so I'm getting some rims, springs, shocks, and anything else that I could possibly think off at this jack asses expense.


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that sux man post pix of the fix and the stuff u get off his ass


ImportFan1 said:
that sux man post pix of the fix and the stuff u get off his ass

Yeah I'll post some pics of all the mods, I plan on doing them in the summer time anyway, too cold right know. I'll get a digital camera with that money too. I got those pics from the insurance guy, told him to give me a copy of them for "legal" issues.
