

5+ Year Member
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ok, i found nopi.com sells je pistons for my b16. does 400 dollars sound pretty steap?
bore .20 over and 10.5:1 compression..
anywhere else i can go?


E Engineering
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kpjuni said:
ok, i found nopi.com sells je pistons for my b16. does 400 dollars sound pretty steap?
bore .20 over and 10.5:1 compression..
anywhere else i can go?

There are a ton of companys that make pistons

In my Daily driven T-Bird I have Ross 9:1 and Also Ross 12:1 77mm in my D16A6 hatch.

Aris, JE, srp, keith black.. to name a few


OG スバリスト
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kpjuni said:
ok, i found nopi.com sells je pistons for my b16. does 400 dollars sound pretty steap?
bore .20 over and 10.5:1 compression..
anywhere else i can go?
nopi.com will almost always cost more


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kteller.com i think thats the correct adress sells cp pistions, and every thing this guy sells is at a good price.


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anekin007 said:
what setup are you running?
ive got a jrsc running 8 lbs. j&s ultra safeguard, and an apexi vtec controller

arias only sells pistons for D series motors that i saw.
or will cast ITR pistons be good?
