place to put a PS2


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i just put a flip out t.v. in my dash and hooked up my playstation to it has any one found a good place to hide one but still be easy to get to?


Not stock anymore!
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Have u ever thought about puttin it in ur glove compartment? It would be close to the screen and you have easy access when u want to change the game on the go.


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i thought about putting in a xbox on my car, but that thing is big. but the good thing about my xbox is that all my games and movies are saved on the HD and i wouldnt need to change disc to play different games.


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yea i would say in your glove box....some kid at my work did that when he put a tv in


American Honda=Domestic
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I never understood why people put PS2 on their car if they dont go to shows.


professional a*****e
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you could put it in your a*****e!!!! unless this is purely show then i kinda see why, for points. but for your daiy driver i dont are never gonna use it.


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i disagree, having a game system in the car is not just for show cars. PS2 is a real hassel having in a car, especially a civic. i do a lot of driving, go out of town, out of state or any long trips. a game system is very useful. Having a Xbox in a car is a way different story because the xbox is capable of doing so much. with a xbox, you can have upgrade the hard drive and put 5-100 games and movies on the hard drive and you wouldnt need to change or put in a disc. also, you can put linux and windows on the xbox so you have a game system, computer, and you can network all in one.


Cool Guy
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anyways.. i won't dispute the practicality of it.. i'd put it in the glove department as well.. but i'd have it custom done so it'd look nice.. just my .02 cents


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i would love to have a tv and a ps2 in my car...but i would rather spend that kind of money on making my car go fast and handle better....i still think ps2 or xbox would be so sweet to have in a daily driver

Mr. Lin

Admiral Ackbar
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Leave that s**t in your house.


how bout just like what was posted before next to your TV in your room


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I know somebody who had a custom center console built for his PS2... maybe you can get somethin made?


Experienced Noob
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I had mine under the drivers seat but the wires for seat adjusting rubbed on the ps2. Put it under the passenger seat if you are gonna put it under a seat. If you are good you can do what I am gonna do which is put it in my dash. When taking out of its casing the ps2 is the size of the game cube. Most of the ps2 is for air ventilation and for the upgrades. A worked over xbox should just go in the trunk. With things loaded on it you shouldn't have a need to get to it really.
