please help a brotha out =]


its all about VTEC!
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member

i need a lil help with that topic...i know this sounds sad but whats the part that needs replacing is it the idle air control valve? if it is...where the hell does that go on the throttle body...=[ any help will be grand as i was idling super high and this site...this thread has saved my life and 90 bux...i didn't wanna take it to honda for inspection =] =] =]


its all about VTEC!
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
"" sorry =[


master pimp
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
die. people who talk about fake blow off valves and ask where to buy them should die. die.


mmmmmm ta ta's
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
you prolly have the 2 sensors mixed up the iacv sensor and the tps sensor have the same type plug and if you swap them you have a high idle if not then it is your iac vavle, try a local auto parts store
