Hello my name is Justin and I'm about to purchase a 89 CRX Si (my first car at 17). The only problem is the damn thing won't pass SMOG in California! This is the car I plan to get: http://www.honda-tech.com/zerothread?id=829000 . As you may tell my knowledge on cars isn't so great. This is where hopefully you guys could come in to help me. I noticed posting regrading smog checking, gsr, refs....etc http://www.honda-tech.com/zerothread?id=826955 and have assumed that this might help. I really don't want to result in breaking the law, getting Nevada plates and having it smogged there or even the last result, which would kill me financially which would be to replace the engine. I was wondering if there is anything at all i could do/modify to get the ref's "stamp or approval" or just to pass the SMOG tests leagally. I'd IM you but for some wierd reason I'm still a trial user and am not permitted. I'd appreciate any help or aid at all. Thanks and have a nice day.