point to sweatbands on clutch master?


got rice?
5+ Year Member
i see so many people with sweatbands on their clutch master cylinder fluid resevoir and their brake bluid resevior is there any point to this or is it just for looks?


Slow and Loving It
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Same thing as your avatar..... its jaydee-em


Has returned ;-)
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soaks up seeping fluids on pressurized systems


New Member
5+ Year Member
what he said, to keep your pretty little engine bay clean.


Team Exile/ADO Garage
Registered VIP
Lol. Yeah, it also is a cloth barrier for any moisture that might otherwise get into the reseviour.


Too Much Traction
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
I threw mine on there to make a statement. You don't need to spend 20 bucks for a Spoon or Mugen one. I found a Nike sweat band around the house and I'm sure it wasn't expensive.


Just hand me the wrench.
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Love my USDM Corona Extra high-performance sweatband (on my d16y8).


Already RHD
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
if u live where it's dusty, the sweatbands would deter the dust from clinging to the reservoir cover, hence to protect your fluid whenever u open up the reservoir.
sometimes, when u open up the reservoir cap for inspection, dust that is already clinging to the rim of the cap will get loose, and wallahhh...falls into the fluid.
$5-$20 for sweatband OR flushing your brake/clutch fluid frequently...

i use old socks, it covers everythimg...
