Ported Y8 intake swap on y7 is it worth it


New Member
First post sry if this isn't in the right section. But I'm looking at buying a ported y8 intake the guy claims it adds 20 horse power but idk if that's tru or what a fair price would be on this. I have a stock d16y7 this would be the first of hopefully many engine upgrades is it a good place to start or even worth doing I saw a write up on how to do it and seems pretty straight forward any opinion would be much appriciated

Wreckless Hype

Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
20 hp sounds like a bit of a jump to me. What's he asking for it? I know the Y7 head in a hole is not very good. People usually dump them quick for the vtec counterpart Y8.


New Member
He's asking 200 but he's had it for sale for awhile so I think I could get it for closer to 150 also has a ported y8 throttle body for 100 I was thinking about
