Problem With Corner Lights, Help!!!!


What's up dogz!!!
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Hey guys,I have a problem With my signal lights, I just came back from lunch and i notice that my signal lights wasn't working either my hazards, so I stop and check the fuse and it was blown, I replace it but it blows again, then I just put a 25 amps fuse(I know I can't do that) it didn't blow and the hazards works but my signal lights are not working I think is the relay but I'm not sure,I know you are busy but can anyone tell me, wtf is wrong with my signal lights.....
Thanks ......


CCSC member #2
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Hmm sounds complicated...All I know is that whenever a fuse burns and you replace it and blows again, it's cause something is touching ground..did you check the wiring ?? you should go to the techs and ask them?? their in the electrical forum


What's up dogz!!!
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Thank you baby I'll post the threat in the tech forums.....
